您是否渴望开始或扩大自己的家庭,但又担心生育治疗的经济障碍?在 Fertility Partnership,我们明白,成为父母的旅程应该充满希望,而不是经济压力。这就是为什么我们致力于让每个家庭都能负担得起生育治疗。
We’ve partnered with Future Family to allow you to finance any part of your treatment that is not covered by insurance, including medical services and medications – with as low as a 0% APR for those who qualify!
Future Family Financing covers all fertility-related treatments including:
- IVF周期费用
- 卵子冷冻
- 宫腔内人工授精 (IUI) 周期费用
- 卵子或精子捐献者
- 妊娠代孕
- LGBTQ 家庭建设
- 药物
- PGT测试与分析
- 互惠试管婴儿
- 代孕